
stories from worlds both real and imagined


MAL Swag Bag 2
MLT002-16 A
MLAT 001-16 indigo 2
MLP003-17 b
MLAT 004-16 premium heather

Deck out with gear and art from the stories you love, designed by people inspired by the shows.

What’s a podcast?

Think on-demand radio… on virtually any topic that interests you.

Most podcasts are free to download. There’s usually an associated website of some kind, but a podcast itself is different than a blog, website, or a publication that you read. Instead, you listen.

From big production companies to independent shows, you can listen on a smartphone, tablet, computer, and through a variety of different app providers.

This is a fantastic new medium that’s on the rise. In many ways, a podcast is the ultimate on-the-go medium because you can listen while you work, play, commute- you name it.

If you like stories, check out Bardic’s current projects below.



Jason Weiser


Jason started making Myths and Legends® in 2015 using the backseat of his car for quiet recording studio. It started as a hobby. As it took off, he was able to move indoors and put that English literature degree to good use. He is also co-creator, a writer, and host of Fictional.

Carissa Weiser


Carissa officially joined Myths and Legends® in 2017 after months of editing scripts in her spare time. She is also the co-creator of Fictional. As a former audiology professor, her official background includes acoustics, speech perception, and hearing science. In her spare time, she dabbles in graphic design and photography.

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